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Saturday, April 2, 2016

From Ashes Come... More Ashes - Then Beautiful Things GROW

My Dearest Victims of Violent Crime, Depression Sufferers, and All-Around Not-Sure-How-I-Got-This-Low-In-My-Life:

Dreaming is great, but ultimately, reality strikes us in the face and often. 

Look, you can dream, you can hope; you should. Without dreams and hopes of change, we couldn't possibly get better (well, there's luck, but not only is that a different story, but those of you suffering from some sort of chronic and serious debilitation or suffering, luck may not be your friend). Again: TO GET AHEAD AND TO ACHIEVE GREATNESS IN ALL WAYS YOU MUST DREAM AND HOPE AND NEVER EVER GIVE UP and maybe thrive on the little failures (ultimately, they'll be little, because you, Dear Reader, WILL come out on top).

But... from ashes come ashes. You first must be real. You always must greet reality with the same positiveness and open arms as you do your dreams. Reality is AWESOME even when it's been quite negative. 

In order to initiate change, things actually HAVE to be negative and maybe even harsh, that's what makes us want-NEED-change. Negative is a great motivator and often more so than positive.

The woman who inherited a great sense of business, a Stanford-Education, and a hundred million dollars can improve and use the greatness to CONTINUE her perceived greatness. Yet, the people who inspire us most are the Homeless-to-Harvard (the Liz Murray story) stories; the stories where the main character overcomes a negative obstacle.

Are you doubting me? Are you mocking me? Because guess what a good book or a good movie have in it? An antagonist and/or a horrible situation to get over. To overcome. To achieve. And we buy it (or at least those of us who can afford the books or movie tickets). In fact, if I even consider submitting a work of fiction (or narrative non-fiction) without some serious conflict to overcome... well, I'll be the owner of a rejection slip (if they consider replying at all).

Are you sifting through ashes now? It's okay. You will be okay. Things WILL get better. This IS temporary.

Find someone you can trust to talk to (counselor, doctor, friend, police, teacher, cousin, etc.) and try to make peace with the ashes because out of the ashes, dreams become reality. 


Have you joined us for our Depression Wednesday chats? Let's keep the conversation going and get depression talked about. Facebook.


Additional Homeless to Harvard Links:
If you purchase anything at all from Amazon, we ask that you make sure you're getting the best product and deal you can be getting and that you use one of our links (bookmark and come back!)-it costs you nothing extra, yet a single digit portion of sales through our links will help offset the $679 it costs us to continue helping victims of crime (imagine what we could do if we earned millions).

Amazon Prime: Borrow from over 800,000 books, watch hundreds of crime documentaries, movies, and reality shows, and ship gifts more quickly for free with the Amazon Prime membership. TCF uses it, has used it from the beginning, and LOVES it.


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